Floor Solutions
High-Strength Industrial and Commercial Flooring
Textured Epoxy Flooring & Urethane Flooring
Decorative Seamless Flooring
Noise-Reducing Flooring
Decorative Flake Finish Flooring Systems
Self-Leveling Epoxy Flooring
Traffic Coating Solutions
Liquid Elements
Smooth Liquid Flooring
Floor Chemistries
Epoxy Flooring
Long-lasting, durable, and aesthetically appealing, perfect for industrial or commercial use
ESD Products
Seamless, easy-to-clean, conductive floors designed for areas that require protection against ESD
Urethane Flooring
Resinous flooring with excellent resistance to thermal shock and thermal cycling
Wall Solutions
Epoxy & Urethane Wall Systems
Lining Solutions
Chemical-Resistant Epoxy Flooring & High-Performance Lining Systems
Complementary Products
Resin Floor Sealants and Membranes
Resin Floor Primers
Resin Floor Coatings
High-Strength Grouts
Anti-Microbial Flooring Additives
Stonhard provides a wide array of standard colours to choose from, but we don't stop there. Ask about exclusive colour palettes, tailored blends and customized logos.
We have the information you need. Just click on a guide below to download the PDF.
Installation Safety Guide
Stonhard works closely with the general contracting community to meet performance and construction objectives for customers ranging from semiconductor manufacturers to celebrated stadiums. Find all the product data you need here.
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